
tflearn.helpers.summarizer.summarize_variables (train_vars=None, summary_collection='tflearn_summ')

Arguemnts: train_vars: list of Variable. The variable weights to monitor. summary_collection: A collection to add this summary to and also used for returning a merged summary over all its elements. Default: 'tflearn_summ'.


Tensor. Merge of all summary in 'summary_collection'


tflearn.helpers.summarizer.summarize_activations (activations, summary_collection='tflearn_summ')

Arguemnts: activations: list of Tensor. The activations to monitor. summary_collection: A collection to add this summary to and also used for returning a merged summary over all its elements. Default: 'tflearn_summ'.


Tensor. Merge of all summary in 'summary_collection'


tflearn.helpers.summarizer.summarize_gradients (grads, summary_collection='tflearn_summ')

Arguemnts: grads: list of Tensor. The gradients to monitor. summary_collection: A collection to add this summary to and also used for returning a merged summary over all its elements. Default: 'tflearn_summ'.


Tensor. Merge of all summary in 'summary_collection'


tflearn.helpers.summarizer.summarize (value, type, name, summary_collection='tflearn_summ')

A custom summarization op.

Arguemnts: value: Tensor. The tensor value to monitor. type: str among 'histogram', 'scalar'. The data monitoring type. name: str. A name for this summary. summary_collection: A collection to add this summary to and also used for returning a merged summary over all its elements. Default: 'tflearn_summ'.


Tensor. Merge of all summary in 'summary_collection'.